I am a chess grandmaster, author, coach and theoretician. I was introduced to chess by my father, Ph.D. Adam Jarmula, at a young age. Since then, chess has become my greatest passion and nowadays is my main occupation.
I regularly participate in international tournaments. I devote a lot of time to theoretical studies on chess and I strive to prepare high-quality publications. I am also very happy to have the opportunity to work with ambitious chess players from around the world as a coach.
As a junior player I worked with many respected Polish coaches. They were the most formative for my playing style: GM Bartosz Soćko, GM Michał Olszewski, WGM Agnieszka Brustman, IM Dominik Pedzich.
I participated in the famous Czech festival two times, each time achieving an equally fine and consistent performance, guaranteeing myself a grandmaster norm and 2nd place, right after excellent players by the names of Sergei Movsesian (2018) and Lucas Van Foreest (2020).
A. Margaryan Memorial, Erevan, Armenia 2018
4th place &
I greatly enjoyed this strong round-robin tournament organized in hospitable and professional conditions in the capital of the Republic of Armenia. I finished on a very good 4th place and with a grandmaster norm, which was my main goal.