RELEASED April 2021

From Berlin to Rio

Full Black repertoire after 1.e4 e5 developed with IM Piotr Nguyen. Get Rid Of Your 1.e4 Worries Once And For All!
Rated 4.87 of 5 on
Rio is one of the best course I have ever seen. Great lines which are not popular but at a same time working really well. After studying course I destroyed already 4 Grandmasters with RIO! Good job guys!


After looking at the lines given I must say that these lines are absolutely fantastic. The explanations of some moves are so simple and easy to follow but solid. I also think the book does a great job on what you're supposed to aim for once the opening is over.


Every move is explained carefully in the videos, so you know reasons not just memory. If you haven’t played e5, or you have and want some new weapons, do yourself a favour and get this course. Many thanks to the authors from me.


Why this course?

Quickstarter chapter

You can start playing and WINNING with 1...e5 in as little as 100 minutes!

Surprise And Outplay
Even The Most Hardcore Main Line 1.e4 Experts!

Sound but unusual strategies for playing 1...e5. Many of which can prove wickedly effective, even against seasoned veterans!

Months-worth of learning

567 trainable variations and over 18 hours of video!
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Combat the Caro-Kann with 3.exd5

Full White repertoire against the 
Caro-Kann Defence, based on 3.exd5 cxd5 4.Bd3.
Rated 4.56 of 5 on
If you play Caro-Kann with 3.exd5, this is good course to give you more ideas in this variation. I wish IM lukas to make more lines.
Awesome quick course. Rate 5/5


Why this course?

Easy to remember

The Exchange Variation requires much less memorization than the main lines 3.Nc3 and 3.e5, yet offers just as good chances of an advantage.

Maximum problems

Variations are developed to pose Black maximum problems.

Fresh ideas

The book is based on recent developments in this variation and my own research, providing up-to-date lines and fresh ideas.
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RELEASED September 2024

Lifetime Repertoires: O'Kelly Sicilian

You Already Caught White In
Your “Predictive” Counterattack
— They Just Don’t Know It Yet!

Why this course?

Complete Black repertoire!

Meet 1.e4 with the far-sighted O’Kelly Sicilian!

Always find the right move!

Over 16 hours of video and 48,000 words of instruction explaining the ideas of the opening. So you can find the right move, even when the game deviates from theory.

Everything you need to succeed with O’Kelly!

Consistently outplay non-masters and experts… while equalizing and creating winning chances against booked-up opponents.
Show me how to take down 1.e4 with O'Kelly Sicilian!
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